Home » 2017 » March » 15 » The Baloch disunity and failures…
The Baloch disunity and failures…

By: Dr. Jumma Marri Baloch

I feel Baloch are wasting their time and resources by these so called unnoticeable conferences, since I do not see any new faces around these tables, same old friendly few guys meet and have a good time some food and photos shows. Nothing new in there, since people are same the topics of discussions and issues are same.

As I have noticed the outnumbered severely resource restricted Baloch community could not unite and help each other, every group tried to counter each other in holding their own so called side events conferences at Geneva, the event holders were BRP, BNM, Baloch voice and others individuals that is pity that they even ignored each other and tried to reduce and counter each other’s efforts as nonexistence.  

Reading same old rhetoric in front of each other and agreeing with each other with already known topics and problems means waste of time, later gather around the broken chair and holding same old placards and slogans, if they could unite and get together they would show large numbers and spend less money might have drawn the attentions of international community and press. 

If they and their sponsors are really worried about the situation in Balochistan they must invite every time new people, public figures, people with weight and have some value, they must invite influential journalists, EU parliamentarians and well-known human rights defenders, invite people who can really help bring some changes, people who can lobby on behalf of Baloch and influence the policy makers of their countries.

Just sitting around empty tables with few attached microphones and greeting each other, same old faces will neither solve Baloch issues nor does it have any informational value, playing with emotions of Baloch youth back home and making money is extremely disgusting and unhonesty with Baloch people expectations.

Baloch are losing in every front, ground war is almost standstill and all these militant groups are almost gone with winds.

We are losing the Information war with nothing new, no new ideas, and no new platforms no avenues no new friends and no new projects. Baloch are still divided could not learn from their past mistakes and all these unnecessary rivalries  have broken them into small unnoticeable groups, even these small so called side events at Geneva go unnoticed by the world bodies because of their insignificances and due to the incompetence of the organizers. It’s nothing but making the money halal they get from their sponsors.

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