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امریکی کانگرس میں پاکستان کو دہشت گردی کا کفیل ملک قرار دینے کا مطالبہ


Comments by: Dr. Jumma Marri Baloch

It is time America must punish Pakistan for terrorism in Afghanistan where Pakistani supported Taliban kill NATO and American soldiers and Afghan civilian, in Balochistan Pakistani army is committing heinous human right violation by daily kidnapping Baloch women and children later torturing killing and dumping them on roads, majority of Indian became physiological patient in waiting when and where Pakistani terrorists will attack next time, Pakistani terrorism is felt around the world.

US must not forget to include China on the list of countries sponsoring terrorism since China is actively supporting countries like Pakistan and North Korea; and also China is guilty of spreading nuclear technologies and dangerous missiles technologies to unpredictable Schizophrenic countries like Pakistan and North Korea. ... Read more »

Views: 414 | Added by: drmarri | Date: 14.03.2017 | Comments (3)

Chinese naval soldiers stand on China's missile destroyer Haikou at a naval port in Sanya, south China's Hainan Province

China to expand marine corps for deployment in Gwadar


Comments by: Dr. Jumma Marri Baloch

China and Punjab are tightening their military grip and increasing their economical exploitation in occupied Balochistan, the divided Baloch leadership looks helpless as their vision ends at the end of their nose tips, while Baloch people are looking desperate hoping the free world will help them and the world looks unreasonably careless at the dire plight of Baloch people.

The thundering PM Modi took some stomach pain killers and went for a long rest, as I wrote many times Baloch must not count on Indian support and all those who are still waiting for a ride on dead horse must not waste their time and resources, I request all Baloch activists to quit India put a cross on her and shift all their attention to American and European support, only America has the power and resources to push china beyond her historical wall and Punjab back to mother India’s lap and give freedom to Baloch, Pashtoon and Sindhi people.

I call upon Baloch, Pashtoon and Sindhis to unite and fight as one for their freedom, destroy your internal difference and traitors.
Baloch Pashtoon and Sindhi are tired from Punjabi exploitation and that exploitation will only increase unless Pakistan is dismantled.

There must be three armies countering Punjabi army…These must be Baloch liberation army, (BLA) Sindh liberation army, (SLA) and Pashtoon liberation army, the (PLA) otherwise if we do not coordinate and fight shoulder to shoulder the better trained and organized Punjabi army will crush us one by one, if these three armies unite and fight as one they will easily defeat the Punjabi army…and all three nations will get their freedom and be the owners of their countries recourses freedom and dignity … ... Read more »

Views: 446 | Added by: drmarri | Date: 14.03.2017 | Comments (0)