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Where is UN?

By: Dr. Jumma Marri Baloch 

Baloch are under intense cruelty today?

Today Baloch people are under intensive cruelty and crimes which we should describe in few basic categories; intentional cruelty, neglect, indulging Baloch people in constant internal wars and military aggression and economical political deprivations.

International cruelty abuse and neglect

When a government knowingly deprives a large number of people with most basic human needs like food and other basic means of survival, like clean drinking water, shelter, socialization, health, education, constant mental and maliciously tortures, kill or mutilates in large numbers. Constant military action against unarmed civilians would fall under intentional cruelty. Cases of neglect are acts of omission and gives satisfaction to the governments of Pakistan and Iran who are intentionally neglecting Baloch people and Balochistan’s development is one of basic human right violations in mass scales.

Why international community and UN are silently witnessing the cruelties against Baloch people?

Baloch people call upon the UN and US state departments and all human right originations why you are silently witnessing the abuses or neglecting the plight of Baloch people? Please drum up the support for peace loving Baloch people. The Humane Society of European union and world body have the authority to enforce their state and international laws related to Pakistani Government against human right violations in Balochistan  and their capabilities to investigate and resolve and hold Islamic extremist state of Pakistan responsible in gross human right violations in Balochistan against innocent civilians. We rely on all concerned citizens of the world to be our eyes and ears in the community of nations and report all the sufferings inflicted on poor Baloch people since 1948.

You can choose to remain silent to our sufferings, although giving your support to the Baloch people in their hour need will enable the humanity to follow up with their principal stand against human right violations globally and justice to mankind in general is must and necessary.

All conscious people of the world are dedicated to justice and equality has the important job of ensuring that justice is universal in our jurisdiction to make sure that right information is received and sent so people get their basic rights for proper food, water, shelter health, education, freedom of choice, freedom of expression, freedom of movement and are protected from abandonment wars inhuman treatments cruelty tortures killings and dumping. The prevention of cruelty against human being represents the core mission of UN and all Humane Societies of the world. UN must investigate and request all her member countries and community of nations to make sure that they arrest the human right perpetrators and put them in trial under international law for violating human rights.

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