Home » 2017 » February » 21 » THE BALOCH NATIONAL AGENDA!

By: Dr. Jumma Marri Baloch

Most honorable thing for a person to do is to serve ones nation and people selflessly. We fully and confidently believe that, that day is not far when we Baloch people will be liberated through our gallant struggle and form a country which will be dedicated to the service of Baloch nation and humanity.

GENERAL Balochistan is under attack from all sides. Pakistan and Iran have consistently worked to enslave the Baloch nation so that they can easily exploit the mineral wealth and also accommodate their populations in vast areas of Balochistan. They have deprived Baloch people of all opportunities to live a respectable life but then what else can be expected of enemies. They have kept Baloch economically destitute and deprived them of education as well. The Baloch need to be masters of their destiny and for this they must find common grounds among different sections of Baloch Society to proceed towards Liberation. The very survival of Baloch race is at stake, we have to rise above petty differences for the sake of Baloch people. For if we fail to unite at this critical juncture of Baloch history it will be an unpardonable crime.


1. Balochistan has been the stronghold of Baloch race and its ancestors. In the ancient history of the world, the glory of this world famous, Indivisible, sovereign nation spread over from Helmand to Gomal Rivers in north, Kerman in west, Multan in east, down to the seas is clearly mentioned. Baloch Nation is an entity which cannot be disregarded by any one.

2. Pakistan and Iran have no moral, political or ethnic right over Balochistan. The Baloch have the right to an Independent, Sovereign Balochistan

3. There has to be a broader based unity among the Baloch people but the parties and personalities that advocate subservience to Pakistan cannot be a part of this platform.

4. Here we are trying presents this Baloch agenda before the political parties, dignitaries organizations’ of Balochistan to save Balochistan and the Baloch Nation from the clutches of usurpers. It is the duty of every political party in the Balochistan to promise to safeguard the interests of the Baloch nation.

5. The Baloch and nationalism in Balochistan are synonymous. Baloch national interest is indisputably the main current of Balochistan. Baloch interest is the national interest. Therefore, the honor and the interests of Baloch will be protected in every manner.

6. Every nation has a constitutional denomination in their land. Only "Balochistan" Which has the ancient, glorious and historical connotations will have constitutional recognition.

7. The patriotic Baloch all over the world should help towards the realization of an independent and sovereign Balochistan where there will be an equal rights and honorable life will be guaranteed to every Baloch men and women.

8. Mother tongue will invariably be the medium of primary education.

9. The status of second official language accorded by certain states to Urdu or Persian in foreign script will be withdrawn.

10. The distorted presentation of modern, social and cultural history of Balochistan will be re-written by honest, patriotic and learned historians and archaeologists. The teaching syllabus shall be accordingly reformed.

11. National economic policy will be based on and self- reliance. We will fight to save Baloch economic and political heritage, we will fight against the looters of Baloch nation.

12. It shall be the moral duty of the Balochistan Government to protect the religious and cultural rights of non-residents and minorities living in Balochistan and to develop, cultural and social relations.

Do I have to be a Baloch to join Baloch agenda? Are non-Baloch allowed to join?

All our Baloch brothers and sisters are deeply welcome to join our cause. Anyone can join us providing that they support the cause of Baloch help and support forming a liberated and united Balochistan.

Does Baloch agenda promote Baloch Nationalism? Are you a militant organization? Who is behind your organization?

We are patriots and we love our Motherland and we want to see it liberated. Baloch who love Balochistan and wish to protect Baloch nation and are willing to die for it are behind this organization. We are not extremists' but we are rather realists'.

Baloch agenda unequivocally demands an Independent and Sovereign Balochistan.

The Baloch agenda views on Pakistani greed for Baloch national wealth like minerals?

The Baloch have an undisputed right over their resources. An independent Balochistan would demand compensation from the present occupiers.

What are your views on those Baloch who are currently holding govt. posts?

Traitors will not be tolerated. Until such time Balochistan becomes independent working with a view to further Baloch cause is demanded and expected of those at present in government service.

What are your views on discrimination against Balochi language in Pakistan and Iran?

It is an established fact that economic and political domination go hand in hand with obliteration of cultural linguistic and historical basis of a nation. It is no surprise that they are trying to destroy and demean Baloch language and culture. It should be resisted with all forces at our disposal.

Who in your opinion should rule Balochistan today?

The responsibility should be given to true Baloch nationalists who are sincere to Balochistan and Baloch nation and should be responsible to the people not those who run after their petty interests family and party interests as NP and BNP.

Why does Baloch agenda preach Baloch nationalism?

A nation that does not preach nationalism is doomed.

Are you not flooding the minds of Baloch youth to become violent in nature against all other nationalities?

Absolutely not, Baloch nationalism is not based on racist principles but is based on securing rights for the Baloch nation, so there is no question of preaching hatred.

What Baloch unity stands for?

The Baloch agenda demands the rights of Baloch nation.
1. The right of Balochistan as an Independent Sovereign country.

2. Owners of their resources.

3. Elimination of illiteracy and tribalism.

4. Elimination of poverty by using the great resources of our lands and using them on their benefits of her citizen and help elimination of poverty and spread peace around the world.

5. To fight the enemies old tactics to divide and rule policy.

6. To stop and fight immigration of non Baloch in our lands and thwart attempts to turn us into a minority in our own country. Stop China Pakistan Economical Corridor…most hated project in Balochistan.

7. Promotion of Balochi and Brahvi languages

8. We demand an end to all mega-projects like CPEC.

9. We demand a real free press in Balochistan all international media UN and diplomatic community must be allowed to visit Balochistan so that they can have a free and fear assessments of the situation on grounds, today whole Balochistan is under military operation and treated as war zone.

10. Baloch agenda requests UN, USA, EU, Russia and India to send their human rights monitors in Balochistan to investigate the mass graves and take strong notice of daily kidnapping torture kill and dumping of Baloch youth by Pakistani occupying forces in Balochistan .

11. To promote unity among Baloch people, unity is must and vital tool to achieve what we fight for.

12. To fight with all means available to regain our lost freedom and independence.

What are Baloch Agenda's future plans?

To promote unity among Baloch, to fight, to liberate Balochistan and Baloch rights. Its long war Baloch fighting it all alone with fourth largest and nuclear armed, the Pakistani army equally armed funded by US Saudi Arabia and China, politically protected by their old father the UK.

Balochistan is strategically very important area on world map with 50 trillion worth mineral resources is a place where many big powers are interested with, but Baloch are ready to work with any power who ensures us of freedom and integrity of our boarders, we are not greedy we are ready to share with our wealth on bases of respect and equality let everyone come and work in Balochistan and make money help build Balochistan.

Yes, Baloch neighbors unfortunately think Baloch are small nation and want to dominate us and will leave such a highly valuable region without a fight. The Baloch too want to gain their lost freedom at any costs.

Our Slogans are:

Protect Balochistan and Baloch Causes

Motivate Baloch Pride

Promote unity against Anti-Baloch propaganda

Promote Baloch cause around the globe

Educate your children on basic Balochi culture

Support Baloch organizations and individuals

Promote good-will and peace

Fight selflessly for an Independent and Sovereign Balochistan

Category: Baloch unity | Views: 482 | Added by: drmarri | Tags: Free Balochistan, Baloch agenda, human rights | Rating: 0.0/0
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